The future of dating

I need dating help

Dating. The whole scheme of it all can seem like one giant rugpull waiting to happen. You have to spend time fitting into society, working a job, and looking presentable for a dating app and somehow distill all of your assets, flaws, and personality into a tiny hook to try and get a nibble from any of the supposed plenty of fish are out in the world, but, sometimes, maybe even lately, you just keep hooking a nasty ol’ boot or junk tire with your bait?

Well, if you’re looking to put a shine on your love life or even just looking for someone to spit on that thang, you’ve come to the right place.

Key notes

  • Dating apps are meant to suck
  • Society is designed to keep you perpetually wanting more
  • Situationships are by design

Here at Modern Dating Help, we don’t hold back. We’ve distilled and refined our autism down to levels nobody ever thought were possible, and in the process, tapped into the underlying psycho-somatic human emotional level mycorrhizal-layer of memetic networking.

We’ve channeled that esoteric and hidden knowledge on the male-female dynamics that your parents could have never taught you into a series of easily understood books that teach you exactly how to avoid being incel, and instead, rise to the level of a Gigachad or Gigastacy.

Imagine living with a limitless aura and an undeniable level of rizz- enough to keep your like button smashed and the grinches hating from the sidelines.

This could be you.

Photo by NEOM

Unlike other dating self-help books and tools, Modern Dating Help offers a fresh take on what dating actually is. Instead of trying to fit inside the system of dating as we know it, Modern Dating Help takes a more pragmatic look at dating as the sum of its parts, including ourselves.

Each book will provide suggestions for magic moments along with common dating situations and approach them in a post-mortem fashion. When do people take things too far? When do people not stand up for themselves enough? Modern Dating Help aims to provide the reader with the schematics and insight needed to better navigate a world that has become less social the more connected it has become. Forgive the cliche, but be the change.

Do the Meatwork and build a better way to date.